Meet Ellis

Ellis can also be found writing tropey, erotic shorts with her bestie Brighton Walsh as London Hale or taking her suspense into the contemporary world as Kristin Harte.
Contact Ellis
Nine Things You Never Knew
1My husband proposed at Disney World, and the organist at our wedding played The Disney March as we left the sanctuary.
2I’m a huge Harry Potter fan and my ships are strong. I own (and wear) a Hufflepuff scarf. Cedric!Lives forever.
3 I buy a notebook for every writing project. And for note taking. And to simply buy blank notebooks.
It’s an addiction.
4 I have a scar on my foot from spilling chicken noodle soup on it when I was a teenager. I have another on my face from when I kissed a toy car. Don’t ask.
5I refinish furniture as a hobby. There’s something I love about taking something battered and forgotten and making it beautiful again.
6I have a lot of refinished dressers and chests of drawers in my house.
7I’m addicted to coffee but having an affair with tea. It’s my evening drink. At times, my kitchen looks much like a Teavana store.
8I like to cook. I hate to grocery shop. Don’t get me started on the hell that is putting away laundry.
9I’ve become cold-blooded over the past few years so I can usually be found writing away on my couch under my electric blanket. Friends and family say I type loudly. Who knew?